Account Name changed to “Account Nickname” – this will encourage customers and staff to use legal entity/business names for our accounts as opposed to nick names that can be difficult to trac
Legal Entity Name - please enter the legal entity name of your business
DBA Name – please enter the DBA name if applicable for your business
Account Owner Information:
First Name - the account owners first name
Last Name - the account owners last name
Account Owner Phone Number - the account owner's phone number
Account Owner Email = the account owner's email
Ownership Start Date - the start date of the account owner for the account
Ownership End Date - the end date of the account owner for the account
Account Status – This field is set by the system or by verifyTX staff.
Active – Accounts are considered active if their subscription payments are paid and there are no open past due invoices on the account.
Inactive – Accounts are considered inactive when the subscription has lapsed due to 3 or more failed payments, no transactions, and/or have been disabled by VTX staff.
On Hold – accounts that have chosen to pause their subscription will automatically reflect as on hold until their subscription has been renewed. Accounts cannot remain on hold past a subscription term of 1 month. If the account has not been renewed by a payment within 45 days of pausing the subscription, the account will be made inactive and any credits associated to it will be permanently lost.